学工动态 /

Dynamics of academic work


来源:0 发表时间:2018-04-27 11:18:51 浏览次数:8381

Good evening.Ladies and gentlement welcome to awarding ceremory. 

What a wonderful time . do yor want to know who is the champion ?Firstly .welcome 聂才珍,黄莹,蔡霞 to the stage.

congratulate on you get the first place .please welcome 胡泉雨gives the prize .

OK.Next .welcome 王赵仁 ,韩铭惠,王岚,林文 to the stage . congratulate on you get the second place . welcome 杨楚涵 give the prize.

secondly . let us welcome 万微,刘晓燕,张红艳,刘慧婷,黄芳,肖芳,刘萍 to the stage .congratulate on you get the third prize . Lastly ,welcome 曾德宽,刘小宇,万小军,李娟,徐娇娇,胡凯佳get the great prize .

welcome 韦庆文 give the prize . ok. that is all thank you . Good night!